Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A week's worth of Homeschool Lunches

Here are some simple at-home lunch combos to throw together besides mac and cheese or chicken nuggets (not that hot dogs are all that creative or different, but you can pair them with something other than fries or chips!) :) Nothing out of the ordinary here, but homeschool lunches do save on the pocket book AND allow for more nutrition and leftover options. We didn't have a lot of fruit for lunch last week, but that's because we got all our fresh fruit in heavy with breakfast and snacks. I find we take up much less time in our school day when mom already has lunch planned or made! For more simple lunch ideas at home, click the lunch tab below.

Venison Tacos & Cheesy Rice

Turkey Burgers, Homemade pickles and cheese perogies

Homemade Chicken Pot Pie leftovers

Tuna Fish sandwiches with cottage cheese & pretzels

Hot Dogs & Ants on a log


  1. Yum! You're much more creative than me... and my kids have issues with the texture of certain foods. Celery is too stringy. They all choke on snap peas. I hope I can incorporate more veggies (other than carrots) into their lunches when they are older.

    Speaking of lunches, I just purchased a bento box for Robert to take leftovers in to work. They are so cool: http://www.laptoplunches.com/!

  2. Sort of along the same line....snack boxes. I was soooo tired of constantly feeding all my people, so I got three boxes. I fill them with three snacks a piece. The kids can get their snack boxes out whenever they want provided they have eaten all of their previous meal. When the stuff in the snack boxes is gone, they are done for the day. This is teaching them some great skills, it encourages independence, and it is WAY easier on me (we have picky people!). I love that your lunches have lots of protien- helps stabilize their blood sugar and keep them full longer. And, of course, I love you!!

  3. Those bento boxes look awesome, Kristin. What a great idea, Erin!! Also, I love you, too! :)
