Sunday, September 25, 2011

Highlights from our Homeschool Week

A snapshot review of our homeschool adventures last week.

Praying Mantis: The kids jarred a praying mantis with dad and we continued with our fun insect studies (recently also enjoyed adventures with Click Beetles and Honey Bees).

Computer learning programs

Weather Wheel

During math time with our oldest, our youngest stays (mostly) occupied with puzzles, or playing with various math manipulatives as we learn.

Making orange people, a craft my daughter thought up to create "Little Miss Helpful"

Kindergarten Workshop: once a month on Mondays with kindergarten-aged homeschool students, they enjoy seasonal and holiday related activities, crafts and shared learning.

We were dog-sitting Brutus for a week for our friends. My daughter loved him!

Checking on and re-flooding our homemade Nile River.

Soccer Practice.

Reading time with dad!

Social studies and history lessons

We are studying Egypt all through September. This week my daughter enjoyed making a mummy coffin out of clay and I even wrapped her and her brother up like mummies for fun after reading the book, "You wouldn't want to be an Egyptian Mummy" by David Stewart.

First night of Girl Scouts!!! She is so excited to be a Daisy!

Reading to her brother, cuddled up on the couch (heartwarming homeschool moment #5,712)

Making their Bee Book

Awana!!! She brought a wood-carving of her first verse that her Grandma made for her when she was a baby. She is really loving AWANA and she is thrilled to have one of her homeschool friends from co-op there, too.

Honey Farm Field Trip... See our Bee Study here with lots of pictures from this trip.

Friday is our weekly Homeschool Learning Cooperative Day!!! Last week was writing/music, sign language, art and playground.

After co-op we joined nearly 200 homeschoolers at the movies and thousands more across the country attended as well for Homeschool Movie Club's choice pick of Dolphin Tale! It was completely awesome. Highly, highly recommend this movie. Family fun, based on a true story, and it even involves and pays a nice tribute to home education. The Homeschool Movie Club's website even offers related curriculum. Very exciting.

Soccer exercise and fun!

Making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with mom...

...and wanting to know if they can eat the dough. ;)

Relaxing with some old-school video games---my husband's original Nintendo! :)

Geography with our interactive map of the United States

A busy, but extremely blessed week!!!

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