Monday, January 2, 2012

Highlights from our Homeschool Week

The last week of 2011 went nicely for us. Even though we ended up sick on New Years Eve and Day, the days leading up to that were extremely pleasant and blessed. We had a great mix of social activities, including playdates and sleepovers, along with productive, fun school each day. I love when things flow naturally without being forced or rushed. Here are some highlights! :) Aside from the illness that hit after, I am hoping it's a nice foreshadowing for the new year!


Animals of the Alphabet


Sleepover fun!



Playdate fun!

Dancing on TV with the Dance-Cam! :)

Back to school...

Lunch and playtime at a friend's house

Another friend over for a fun sleepover Friday night...

I found an awesome free printable pack for the book, "Caps for Sale" from Homeschool Creations, which I made the genius move of laminating, so we can use it indefinitely and share with friends again and again. The kids simply use dry-erase markers! (Why didn't I think of this sooner?!?) Also, I back-to-backed the pages that I didn't need to cut, so to optimize the laminating sheets.

CHEERS to the end of a WONDERFUL year and best wishes to all on a BLESSED year ahead!!!

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